Wednesday, 22 December 2010


22 Dec 2010 Circular MF17/2010



The Institute has, on 20 December 2010 issued Guidance on Special Matter No. 1 "Determination of Realised and Unrealised Profits or Losses in the Context of Disclosures Pursuant to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Listing Requirements" in response to the new requirements introduced by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”) requiring all listed corporations to disclose the breakdown of unappropriated profits or accumulated losses into realised and unrealised on group and company basis, as the case may be in quarterly reports and annual audited financial statements.

The aforementioned disclosure requirements are as detailed in the directives issued by Bursa Malaysia to all listed corporations on 25 March 2010 and 20 December 2010.

About the Guidance

Guidance on Special Matter No. 1, which provides the guiding principles in distinguishing between realised and unrealised profits or losses at individual legal entity level, is issued as part of the Institute’s initiatives to assist Bursa Malaysia in ensuring consistency and comparability in respect of the aforementioned disclosures amongst listed corporations in Malaysia.

The guiding principles contained in Guidance on Special Matter No. 1 recommend that any charge or credit to the profit or loss of a legal entity is deemed as realised when it is resulted from the consumption or depletion of resource.

As Guidance on Special Matter No. 1 is specially developed in response to the aforementioned disclosure requirements, it should be read in conjunction with the relevant Bursa Malaysia directives and it is not to be applied for any other purposes.

Please be guided accordingly.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

MASB issues revised standard on related party disclosures

The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) today issued a revised Standard on Related Party Disclosures and a new Interpretation. It also issued amendments to FRSs and Interpretations. These pronouncements are word for word to those issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Some are already effective internationally whilst some will be effective next year.

The issuance of these pronouncements is part of MASB’s roadmap towards achieving full convergence with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2012. This issuance would reduce the gap between the IFRSs and FRSs.

The pronouncements issued today are as follows:


  • FRS 124 Related Party Disclosures
  • Amendments to FRSs contained in the document entitled “Improvements to FRSs (2010)"


  • IC Interpretation 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments
  • Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (Amendments to IC Interpretation 14)

About the Pronouncements

FRS 124 Related Party Disclosures

The revised FRS 124 simplifies the definition of related party, clarifies its intended meaning and eliminates inconsistencies from the definition. The changes from current practice among others include a partial exemption from disclosures for government-related entities. It requires disclosure of related party transactions between government-related entities only if the transactions are individually or collectively significant.

Prior to the issuance of the revised FRS 124, no disclosure of transactions is required in financial statements of state-controlled entities of transactions with other state-controlled entities. The partial exemption from disclosures for government-related activities as required in the revised FRS 124 are intended to put users on notice that such related party transactions have occurred and to give an indication of their extent.

Improvements to FRSs (2010)

Improvements to FRSs (2010) contain amendments to ten FRSs and one Interpretation. IASB started the annual improvements process since 2008 to cater for amendments that are considered non-urgent but necessary. The objective of the annual improvements project is to enhance the quality of existing IFRSs and this is achieved by amending existing IFRSs to clarify guidance and wordings or to correct for relatively minor unintended consequence, conflicts or oversights. In view of the IFRS convergence plan in 2012, the MASB has accelerated the due process in the issuance of the Improvements as they help to clarify the requirements of or provide further explanation to existing FRSs.

IC Interpretation 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments

This Interpretation addresses the accounting by an entity when the terms of a financial liability are renegotiated and result in the entity issuing equity instruments to a creditor to extinguish all or part of the financial liability. It does not address the accounting by the creditor. The amendment is as a result of request for guidance on the application of FRS 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and FRS 132 Financial Instruments: Presentation when an entity issues its own equity instruments to extinguish all or part of a financial liability.

The Interpretation was issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee as there were diversities in practice on how entities measured the equity instruments issued to extinguish a financial liability. Some recognised the equity instruments at the carrying amount of the financial liability and do not recognised any gain or loss in profit or loss. Others recognised the equity instruments at the fair value of either the liability or the equity instruments issued and recognised any difference between that amount and the carrying amount of the financial liability in profit or loss.

IC Interpretation 19 will standardise practice among debtors applying FRSs to a debt for equity swap. It clarifies that the entity’s equity instruments issued to a creditor are part of the consideration paid to extinguish the financial liabilities.

Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (Amendments to IC Interpretation 14)

The Amendments to IC Interpretation 14 apply in the limited circumstances when an entity is subject to minimum funding requirement and makes an early payment of contributions to cover those requirements. The amendments permit the entity to treat the benefit of such early payment as an asset.

The new pronouncements are available from MASB website ( or can be purchased in booklet form from MASB office.

Click here for the Notice of Issuance.


For enquiries, please contact:
Malaysian Accounting Standards Board
Wisma UOA Pantai
Suites 5.02, Level 5
No. 11, Jalan Pantai Jaya
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2240 9200
Fax: 03-2240 9300
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


08 Dec 2010 Circular MF16/2010



The Council of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) has approved the issuance of the revised By-Laws on Professional Ethics pursuant to the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants (IESBA) published by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

As part of the Institute's membership obligations, the By-Laws have incorporated the provisions of the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by IESBA with appropriate modifications to suit the Malaysian regulatory, legislative and professional environment. The By-Laws also contain suitable amendments and certain provisions of the Institute's By-Laws (On Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice) issued January 2007.

As a member body of IFAC, the Institute is committed to adopting the provisions issued by IFAC, in so far as the provisions are not inconsistent with national laws and requirements. The Revised By-Laws will come into effect in January 2011.

The Revised By-Laws have been updated in the MIA Handbook. Members can download a copy of it at or visit the Institute's website at under Ethics.

MIA staff has prepared an attachment below of the summary of comparison between IESBA's revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and MIA's revised By-Laws on Professional Ethics. Members can also refer to which is prepared by IESBA for further information on the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.

Please be guided accordingly.

Executive Director
On behalf of the Registrar

Click HERE and select 'Save Target As' to download By-Law (revised Jan 2011).

Click HERE and select 'Save Target As' to download Tracking Modifications to IESBA Code.

Make your CPD declaration now

Access your myACCA e-business account as soon as you fulfil your CPD requirement...

Raise in Minimum Taxable Income

THE Finance Ministry will consider raising the minimum taxable joint income for married couples from RM3,151 to RM4,000 a month, says deputy minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai.

He said this to a supplementary question by Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) who wanted to know if the Government planned to increase the minimum taxable salary so that workers could have more money to provide for their families.

Lim also revealed that a total of RM15.5bil in income tax was collected from about 2.2mil individuals last year.

Lim added that the actual figures for this year could not be obtained yet as the numbers would only be finalised on Dec 31.

IRB updates Office Numbers Nationwide

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 (Bernama) -- The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRB) is in the process of updating its general telephone lines for all its offices nationwide.

So far, nine branch offices have had their lines updated and will be using new telephone numbers for their general line, IRB said in a press statement here Wednesday.

In Sarawak, the new number for the Kuching branch is now 082-223400 which came into effect on December 14, while for Bintulu the new number is 086-854500 effective today. For Miri, the number is 085-462400 effective December 18.

In Sabah, the Keningau branch office general line will be 087-313600 effective December 20, IRB said.

The number in Penang is 04-2552000 (effective December 14) while for Bukit Mertajam, the general line number is 04-5487000 (effective December 13) and the Teluk Intan (Perak) general line number will be 05-6296200 effective December 18.

The Taiping (Perak) branch number, 05-8296200, will be effective December 16 while the new number in Kangar (Perlis) is 04-9739100 effective December 11.

Further information can be obtained by calling 1-300-88-3010 or visiting IRB's official website at

Service Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2010

The Regulations will come into operation on 1 January 2011.

The Regulations amend the second schedule of the Service Tax Regulations 1975 [P.U. (A) 52/1975] under the heading of Group G in column “Taxable Service”, by substituting item “b.” with the following item: “b. Provision of — (i) telecommunication services in the form of telephone, facsimile, telemail, pager, cellular phone, telex, bandwidth service or value added services; and (ii) paid television broadcasting services.”

Service Tax (Rate of Tax) (Amendment) Order 2010

The Order will come into operation on 1 January 2011.

The Order amends the Service Tax (Rate of Tax) Order 2009 [P.U. (A) 468/2009] in subparagraph 3(a) by substituting for the words “5%” the words “6%”.

IRB projects 20 Percent More New Taxpayers Next Year

GENTING HIGHLANDS, Dec 14 (Bernama) -- The Inland Revenue Board is projecting a 20 per cent growth in the number of new taxpayers next year compared with an average growth of 10 per cent seen in the previous years.

Deputy Director General (Compliance) Datuk Dr Mohd Shukor Mahfar said the rise was seen with the improvement in the agency's online services.

"This improvement is in line with the changing information technologies and current trends where most of the transactions are made online," he told reporters after a closing ceremony for IRB's workshop on its e-Ledger and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system together with the Media, on Tuesday.

He said among the improvements are the introduction of two applications online by IRB which is the electronic tax ledger for taxpayers or e-Ledger and the EFT.

These applications would make it easier for taxpayers to carry out their responsibilities without having to come to the tax office.

On the EFT, he said IRB would be expanding the use of EFT among taxpayers to make it easier for taxpayers to get any tax refunds.

Through the EFT, taxpayers who had overpaid would get their tax refunds not more than three days after tax payments had been made compared with the present practice where cheques are issued after a longer period and which is also more risky.

With the EFT, IRB would be able to also minimise the problems arising from tax refunds made through cheques where there are instances that these cheques are not received by taxpayers, cheating cases involving cheques and also expired cheques.

The use of EFT in fact will bring about cost savings for the tax department such as the cost of issuing cheques, maintenance of cheque machines and the delivery of cheques.

In 2009 alone, the IRB issued more than 671,000 cheques for tax refunds.

The EFT is an online tax payback application developed by IRB to facilitate and speed up refunds to taxpayers.

BNM may increase Interest Rates if CPI rises to 3.3 Pct in 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 14 (Bernama) -- A rise in consumer price index (CPI) may impel Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to resume increasing interest rates, by 25 basis points each in the second and third quarter of 2011, respectively.

The central bank, however, is expected to keep its monetary policy on hold in the first quarter of 2011 until there was more clarity on the global picture and given its "moderate inflation" projection through 2011.

"We are more concerned about CPI inflation, expecting it to rise to 3.3 per cent in 2011. This should impel BNM to resume raising rates, with 25 basis point hikes each in quarter two and three of 2011," Nomura Securities International Inc said in its 2011 Global Economic Outlook released on Tuesday.

Monetary conditions tightened in 2010 via real effective exchange rate appreciation and three 25 basis points rate hikes bringing the overnight policy rate to 2.75 per cent.

Monetary conditions should also tighten through further ringgit appreciation, given the large current account surplus and potential for larger capital inflows, said Nomura.

"We do not expect Malaysia to impose controls on inflows in the near future," it added.

BNM recently further liberalised the capital account and set a 70 per cent loan-to-valuation ratio cap on third mortgages in a bid to curb property market speculation.

More macro-prudential measures are likely, it said.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) online payment

The Inland Revenue Board has launched the e-PCB and e-Data PCB systems for use by employers. Employers may check the format and upload the CP 39 text file online, and make PCB payments online, using Financial Process Exchange (FPX)
Members may view the details at

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Procedure On Submission Of Amended Return Form (GPHDN 01/2010)

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has issued the Operational Guidelines on 30 November 2010 with respect to the Procedure on Submission of Amended Return Form (GPHDN 01/2010). Some of the salient points clarified are as follows:

i) Where the Amended Return Form or Borang Nyata Terpinda (BNT) is submitted on or before the filing due date of the original Income Tax Return Form or Borang Nyata Cukai Pendapatan (BNCP), it will be treated as normal appeal (Paragraph 3.1).

ii) Self-amendment is only allowed once for a taxpayer who has filed the BNCP on or before the filing due date (Paragraph 3.2).

iii) Self-amendment is only available to understatement or underdeclaration of income, expenses/claims overstated and capital allowances/incentives/reliefs overclaimed (Paragraph 3.3).

iv) Submission of BNT will be regarded as voluntary disclosure for understatement of income and penalty will be imposed in accordance with the rates as stated in the Tax Audit Framework.

v) Any tax payable, including penalties, must be settled on the date the BNT is submitted, failing which penalties will be imposed.

Members may view the Operational Guidelines at the website of the Institute at or at the website of the IRB at

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


08 Dec 2010 Circular MF16/2010



The Council of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) has approved the issuance of the revised By-Laws on Professional Ethics pursuant to the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants (IESBA) published by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

As part of the Institute's membership obligations, the By-Laws have incorporated the provisions of the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by IESBA with appropriate modifications to suit the Malaysian regulatory, legislative and professional environment. The By-Laws also contain suitable amendments and certain provisions of the Institute's By-Laws (On Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice) issued January 2007.

As a member body of IFAC, the Institute is committed to adopting the provisions issued by IFAC, in so far as the provisions are not inconsistent with national laws and requirements. The Revised By-Laws will come into effect in January 2011.

The Revised By-Laws have been updated in the MIA Handbook. Members can download a copy of it at or visit the Institute's website at under Ethics.

MIA staff has prepared an attachment below of the summary of comparison between IESBA's revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and MIA's revised By-Laws on Professional Ethics. Members can also refer to which is prepared by IESBA for further information on the revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.

Please be guided accordingly.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


01 Dec 2010 Circular MF15/2010



The Institute is pleased to inform members that the Council has approved the release of the exposure draft on International Auditing Practice Statement ("IAPS") 1000, Special Considerations in Auditing Complex Financial Instruments and International Standard on Related Services ("ISRS") 4410, Compilation Engagements for distribution to members, regulatory bodies and other interested parties for comment.

The exposure draft is drawn primarily from the pronouncement issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ("IAASB") of the International Federation of Accountants.


The proposed IAPS 1000 highlights practical considerations for auditors when dealing with complex financial instruments. The proposed IAPS 1000 gives particular emphasis to auditing considerations relating to valuation and disclosure issues for financial statement items measured at fair value.

Along with the proposed IAPS 1000, the IAASB is also exposing for comment proposed changes to the current Preface to the International Standards on Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance and Related Services which explains the authority of this and future IAPSs.
Deadline for comment
ED Preface/2010,

ED IAPS 1000/2010
Proposed Amendments to the Preface to the International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements

IAPS 1000 Special Considerations in Auditing Complex Financial Instruments

Click HERE to download ED Preface /2010 and ED IAPS 1000/2010.
31 Dec 2010


The proposed ISRS 4410 is the first step in the IAASB's work to create robust standards for services that can be used by entities that are either not required or do not elect to be audited to meet their business reporting needs. Through a compilation engagement, practitioners can provide significant benefit by applying their expertise in accounting and financial reporting. This expertise is applied to assist the management of an entity in preparing and presenting historical financial information for use by the entity’s internal or external stakeholders.

Deadline for comment
ED ISRS 4410/2010
ISRS 4410 Compilation Engagements

Click HERE to download ED ISRS 4410/2010.
31 Jan 2011

Comments may refer to any specific principles, paragraphs or group of paragraphs and suggestion for alternative solution or wording with supporting reasons. These comments will be collated and, where appropriate, incorporated into the proposed exposure drafts before being issued in final form.

Comments should be submitted in writing and are to be received by the deadline.

Members can download the said exposure draft from our website at under the Technical-Auditing-Circulars link.

Please be guided accordingly.

Executive Director
On behalf of the Registrar

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Budget 2011 Announcement


Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building

•Entrepreneurship Enhancement Training Programmeto train 500 new technopreneursand attract more angel investors (under Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd).

•The new Insolvency Act to assist entrepreneurs who are blacklisted and unable to conduct businesses or apply for loans through a relief mechanism and higher bankruptcy threshold.

•The Industrial Skills Enhancement Programmeand training of ICT graduates are aimed at enhancing employability of graduates and non-graduates, while the 1Malaysia Training Programmeis aimed at up-skilling and re-skilling in soft and technical skills.

Cost of Doing Business
•The Government to continue with the Distribution of Essential Goods Programmeto standardisethe prices of essential items nationwide.

•The MyCoIDGateway to be extended to more Ministries and Agencies to enhance the Government delivery system.

•The property registration process will be reduced from 30 days to 1 day.

Access to Financing Technology

•RM100 million start-up fund to be established under the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation(MTDC) to provide soft loans, whereby repayments to be made only after the company generates income,

Promoting New Areas of Growth

•In the E&E sector, RM857 million is allocated for local companies to invest in high value-added activities, particularly in Penang and Kulim,

•In green technology, a number of incentives have been provided including import duty and sales tax exemption on equipment for generation of energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency,

•In agriculture, the Government will develop infrastructure to encourage farmers participating in high value activities (i.eswiftlet, seaweeds, ornamental fish) including integrated aquaculture zones, enhancing drainage, diagnostic lab, International Centre for Crops of the Future and to foster partnerships between small-scale fruits and vegetables farmers with anchor companies. In food production, investors will be given income tax deduction, while the companies will be given income tax exemption. Support will also be given to paddy farmers and fishermen,

•In tourism, measures to promote activities include beautification and infrastructure facilities, eco-nature resort and abolition of duties on branded items will have spillover effects on SMEs,

•In the palm oil, both promotion of upstream (replanting fund of RM297 milion) and downstream oleo chemical activities will benefit SMEs,

•MY Creative Content Programmewill encourage development of the local content industry,

•Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subangwill be developed as a centre for training and maintenance and overhaul of aircrafts,

•Infrastructure support will be given to the economic corridors,

•An allocation of RM411 million will be given to encourage research, development and commercialisationactivities and a Special Innovation Unit (UNIK) will be established as a one-stop centre to formulate policies and strategies for a conducive ecosystem to drive innovation,

•A sum of RM200 million is allocated to purchase creative products such as high quality locally-produced films, dramas and documentaries,

•Encourage participation of women in workforce and businesses through Single Mother Skills Incubator Programme, Small Office Home Office programmeand flexible working hours,

•To strengthen the wholesale and retail sector, the Retail Shop Transformation Programme(TUKAR), Automotive Workshop and Community Market projects will be introduced to upgrade and modernisefacilities,

•For small contractors, RM500 million will be provided under ProjekPenyelenggaraanAsetAwamto repair and upgrade public amenities.

Foreign workers can get medical cover from 32 insurers


Monday November 29, 2010

Foreign workers can get medical cover from 32 insurers

KUALA LUMPUR: Thirty-two registered insurers have been picked to provide medical coverage for foreign workers starting Jan 1.

Deputy Human Resource Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan said action would be taken against employers employing uninsured foreigners while the work permits
of their workers would not be renewed.

She said the ministry would hold dialogues with stakeholders to explain the new ruling. She was speaking to reporters after launching the Hitachi
Charity Flea Bazaar here yesterday.

The Government recently announced the mandatory medical insurance coverage for foreign workers as the foreigners had left government hospitals with
unpaid bills amounting to RM18mil.

It has fixed the annual insurance premium at RM120 per worker. — Bernama

Bosses, staff may choose to pay premium

TARIKH : 28/11/2010
Bosses, staff may choose to pay premium

MALACCA: The premium for the health insurance for foreign workers may be borne by either the employers or their workers, except for workers in certain

Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said the government would leave the decision to the employers and their employees.

However, for workers in some sectors, including domestic helpers and those employed in agriculture-related work, the employers would have to pick up
the tab.

Dr Subramaniam said the Health Ministry made the decision to impose health insurance on foreign workers because of the high cost incurred by the
government when they failed to settle their medical bills at public hospitals.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Land transfer done in a day, thanks to e-tanah

THE e-tanah online system, which allows the transfer of land titles within a day, has helped to improve revenue collection, Deputy Natural Resources and Environment Minister Tan Sri Joseph Kurup said.

He said the ministry had collected RM960,000 through the online system from Oct 1, 2007 to Oct 4.

Kurup said the programme was first used in Penang in 2005, in which all land office in the state used the electronic system for land transaction matters.

He added the system had been extended to Malacca and Ne gri Sembilan from December 2008.

Kurup told Azan Ismail (PKR-Indera Mahkota) that the objective of the system was to improve efficiency, transparency and the delivery and to establish a single database for information on land matters.

“Such a programme will also reduce bureaucracy,’’ he said in reply to points raised during the debate on the ministry at the committee stage.

He added the system was being monitored by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (Mampu).
Kurup said the e-tanah application also took into account of the security features for the interest of land owners.
Among the security features were the implementation of digital signatures, security posture assessment, while a disaster recovery centre was set up to provide support to the main database.

On flash floods, Kurup said allocation to counter flash flood problems came under the purview of the National Security Council.

He also said currently, there was no allocation to prevent soil erosion at the beaches in Port Dickson and Sabak Bernam.

The Department of Drainage and Irrigation would apply for the allocation from the Government, he added.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


With the evolutionary changes in the accounting profession, it is timely for member firms to group together and take advantage of the many opportunities in a strong affiliation arrangement for growth potential. Smaller firms should seriously consider looking towards merging or at the very least, affiliating with their peers.

To encourage such an initiative, the Institute has an online register known as the Member Firms Merger and Affiliations Listing. This portal serves as a platform for member firms who would like to seek local mergers or affiliations, to advertise their intention through the e-portal. Likewise, interested firms could identify partners that meet their profile for alliances, mergers and affiliations through the e-portal. This service is provided on a complimentary basis.

Member firms who are interested to register on this listing are requested to provide relevant information in the Institute's website at Member Firm Number and Password are required in order to be listed on the Merger and Affiliations Listing. To request for the password, please contact Nithya from MIA Help Desk at 03-2279 9308 or e-mail at

The Institute reserves the right to edit the information provided by the firm before it is posted on the listing. However, the Institute will not review the information posted for accuracy, correctness or completeness and as such, any person who reviews and relies on such information will do so at their own risk.

The Institute, the officers, the employees or agents of the Institute disclaim all and any responsibility or liability to any person or entity for any errors or omissions in respect of the information contained in the listing and or for anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether wholly or partially, upon the whole or any part of the contents of the same.

Please note that incomplete information on the form will not be processed and a new submission will have to be submitted before it can be processed. All information will be tracked for a period of three (3) months and thereafter, such information will be archived and will then not be accessible by the public. A new submission will have to be done to enable continuous posting on the Institute's website. By submitting the form to the Institute, the firm is deemed to have agreed to the abovementioned terms and conditions.

For more information on the Mergers and Affiliations Listing, please contact Public Practice Department at 03-2272 1501 or e-mail

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Introduction of e-Ledger

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has introduced the e-Ledger facilities to enable taxpayers to check on the correctness of their personal particulars such as address and bank account number and whether their records of tax transactions with the IRB, namely, assessments, payments and repayments, have been updated. Members may click here to see the main page and the accounting presentation. You may also view the Frequently Asked Questions on e-Ledger at the website of the Institute at or at the website of the IRB at

Q1: What is e-Lejar?
The e-Lejar is a facility provided to the taxpayer to check:
1. Personal details
2. Ledger transactions
3. The current tax balance position

Q2:What is the purpose of e-Lejar?
1. The taxpayer is able to determine whether his personal details such as address and bank account number had been recorded correctly by IRBM.

2. Through the display of the ledger, taxpayer can check whether records of tax transactions namely assessments, payments and repayments have been updated. As an example, to confirm whether Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) payments deducted by the employer have been received and credited by IRBM. It is also to check whether tax assessment submitted through IRBM’s e-Filing has been updated in the ledger.

3. Through the display on the current tax balance position, taxpayer can distinguish whether he has a debit or credit balance. Debit balance means an amount of tax is still outstanding while credit balance means an amount of tax overpaid by the taxpayer.

Who can access e-Lejar?
Currently, e-Lejar is only accessible to individual taxpayers who have e-Filing’s ID.

Q4: What is the type of tax information displayed in e-Lejar?
A: The e-Lejar displays two (2) types of tax information - Income Tax (IT) in IT Ledger and Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) in RPGT Ledger.

IT Ledger
IT Ledger displays Income Tax transactions updated in the current calendar year and previous year. The ledger is divided into Account 1 and Account 2.

- Account 1 is a tax account. It displays all transactions of taxation and updates according to the calendar year. The last balance in Account 1 is the taxpayer’s current balance for the year. This current balance determines whether there is still any amount of tax unpaid with IRBM.

- Account 2 is a tax installment payment account. It shows the payment of tax installments such as MTD payments made and updated according to calendar year. The balance in Account 2 is the amount of remaining balance of installment payment which is still not to be utilised as the tax assessment is not yet ‘deemed’ or posted.

RPGT Ledger
RPGT Ledger will show the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) transactions. However, this Ledger will not be displayed if the taxpayer has no RPGT transactions.

Q5: What does ‘dt’ and ‘kt’ refer to?
‘dt’ denotes Debit, while ‘kt’ denotes Credit.

Q6: What is the difference between the balance shown in Account 1 in comparison with Account 2 in the IT Ledger?
The balance in Account 1 shows the current balance of tax account.
If Account 1 shows a debit balance, it denotes that the cumulative amount of tax liability is greater than the total tax payment made. It means, the taxpayer has an outstanding amount of tax that is required to be settled. Taxpayer is advised to liaise with the respective IRBM branch to settle the outstanding amount. However, this amount of tax is not inclusive of any tax installment schemes that have been approved by IRBM but payment has yet to be made.

If Account 1 shows a credit balance, it denotes that the tax payment has a surplus compared to the tax liability. However this balance may still be subject to any future additional assessment. If there were no further additional assessment raised, the taxpayer is entitled for a refund. However, the final amount of refund is subject to IRBM’s approval taking into consideration other technical implications.

The balance in Account 2 shows the amount of the remaining balance of installment payments which is still not to be utilised because the assessment is yet to be ‘deemed’ or posted.

The tax installment payment consists of:-
1. MTD Payments for individuals;
2. Tax Installment Payments for Companies / Businesses (CP204/CP500); and
3. Composite Installment Payments.

Total amount of installment payments in accordance to year of assessment in Account 2 will be transferred to Account 1 when the assessment for the similar year is posted in Account 1.

If there were no assessment posted in Account 1, the unutilised cumulative installments in Account 2 will be carried forward to the preceding year.

The followings are situations when assessment is yet to be ‘deemed’ or posted in Account 1 such:-

1. Return Form has not been issued, as such the last date to submit Return Form has not been determined; or

2. Return Form is not submitted to IRBM after due date; or

3. Return Form was submitted within time, but assessment has not been posted / updated in Account 1.

Q7: Apart from determining the balance in Account 1 and 2 of the IT Ledger, what other information can I obtain?
Taxpayer is able to verify the following:-

Account 1 – Tax transactions such as additional and reduced assessments, tax refunds and accounting adjustments.

Account 2 – Detailed payment transactions such as payments furnished by employers on MTD which have been received and updated in the IT Ledger.

Q8: There are 2 balances for each of Account 1 and 2 for the year 2010 and 2009 in IT Ledger. Why?
The IT ledger for the year 2009 shows the transactions in the year 2009. This is for purposes of records only. Whereas the balance shown in the current year 2010 shows the current tax position of the taxpayer.

Q9: If I notice any information in the e-Lejar that is incorrect, what should I do?
Taxpayer is advised to contact the nearest IRBM branches or Customer Care Center at 1-300-88-3010

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Business registration reduced to one day via online

KUALA LUMPUR: Those who want to set up businesses can now simultaneously register with five government agencies online and complete the process within a day compared to 11 days previously.

The Malaysia Corporate Identity Number or MyCoID’s gateway system which was launched yesterday would also see information being transferred electronically without requiring a person to physically head to the five government agencies to register their business as is the current practice.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the implementation of the MyCoID gateway system would help boost the country’s competitiveness globally, improve the delivery system and reduce the number of processes from nine to one.

“The concept is easy, quick and effective. Registration with various agencies is done through a one-touch point,” said Najib, whose speech was read out by Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consu?merism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Najib said the system would also help improve Malaysia’s ranking with the World Bank’s “Doing Business” category from the current 23rd spot to 17 by next year.

On the price of RON97 petrol, Ismail said: “There is no reason for the people to panic or worry as over 90% of motorists use RON95 which is still at RM1.85 per litre,” he said yesterday after launching the Malay?sia Corporate Identity Number or MyCoID’s second phase gateway system.

Ismail Sabri was commenting on the increase of RON97 petrol by 5 sen to RM2.15 per litre effective on Tuesday.

He also said the RON97 pricing would change every first of the month with oil companies having the option to increase the full amount or absorb some of the cost to create a healthy battle with their competitors.

On whether the prices of RON95 would be increased, Ismail Sabri said he did not expect it to increase this year, adding that such decisions were subject to Cabinet approval.

Monday, 1 November 2010

IRB introduces E-ledger Services for Tax Payers

IPOH, Nov 1 (Bernama) -- Tax payers can now check their personal tax details and transactions through the e-lejar facilities and services provided by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

IRB Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Hasmah Abdullah said starting today, tax payers can check whether records of tax transactions namely assessments, payments and repayments have been updated, determine whether personal details such as address and bank account numbers had been recorded correctly.

"E-Ledger will display tax information, real property gain for the current and previous year. Taxpayer can distinguish whether he has a debit or credit balance and check whether tax assessment submitted through IRB's e-Filing has been updated in the ledger," Hasmah told reporters after launching e-lejar here Monday.

Hasmah added that the e-ledger service would assist the IRB to process rebate for tax payers more effectively and efficiently since the bank account numbers of contributors can be obtained from the e-filing system.

Tax payers must not only check on the information on tax details but must also update or check their personal details like bank account number and address, said Hasmah.

Currently, e-Ledger is only accessible to individual taxpayers who have e-Filing identification numbers.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


The objective of the Forum of Firms (Forum) is to promote consistent and high quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices world-wide.

On 20 October 2010, the Transnational Auditors Committee (TAC), the Executive Committee of the Forum and a committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) issued a paper titled client acceptance and continuance which summarizes current client acceptance and continuance practices in several of the large network of international accounting firms and examines how asking the right questions can help ensure that only those clients that meet the same standards of quality as the audit firm be accepted and continued.

The paper focuses on how the large networks of international accounting firms have implemented the requirements of International Standard on Quality Control (ISQC) 1, Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements, and Other Assurance, and Related Services Engagements in their client acceptance and continuance policies and procedures. The paper also discusses related tools and devices firms have employed to strengthen their client acceptance and continuance decision-making processes.

The paper can be viewed at the Institute’s website at

Please be guided accordingly.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Stamp Duty Exemption on Housing Loans/ Transfer Agreements

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 (Bernama) -- In an effort to ensure every citizen owns a residential property, the government has proposed stamp duty exemption on instruments of transfer and loan agreements for residential property.

To encourage ownership of the first residential property, it has proposed that a stamp duty exemption of 50 per cent be given on instruments of transfer of a residential property priced not exceeding RM350,000.

The exemption is granted for the first residential property purchased by a Malaysian citizen and it can be claimed once only within the exemption period, Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said on Friday.

Residential properties include terrace houses, condominiums, apartments or flats, he said when tabling the Budget 2011 at Parliament here.

The effective date for the exemption is for sales and purchase agreements executed between Jan 1, 2011 and Dec 31, 2012, said Najib.

As for the stamp duty exemption on loan agreements for residential property, he said there would be also a stamp duty exemption of 50 per cent for residential property prices not exceeding RM350,000.

This exemption is applicable for sales and purchase agreements executed from Jan 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2012.

Service Tax increases to Six Per Cent

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 (Bernama) -- The government has proposed that the service tax on all taxable services be increased to six per cent from five at present to generate additional tax revenue for national development.

The effective date of implementation of the proposal is Jan 1, 2011, it was stated in the Budget 2011 proposals tabled in Parliament Friday.

This rate is not applicable to credit cards where the service tax is charged at a specific rate of RM50 annually on principal cards and RM25 for supplementary cards.

More Taxpayers to get Relief, says IRB

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 (Bernama) -- More taxpayers will get relief from the eligibility extension announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Budget 2011, Inland Revenue Board (IRB) Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Hasmah Abdullah said on Friday.

She was referring to the extension of tax relief of up to RM5,000 to cover other expenses such as day care centre, cost incurred to employ caretakers for parents and other daily needs such as diapers.

"This eligibility extension will hopefully help reduce the burden of taxpayers who presently contribute about 20 per cent to IRB's tax collection," she told reporters at the Budget 2011 Special Line Operation Centre here.

She said that although the number of taxpayers claiming for relief would increase, this move would not affect tax collection because no new reliefs were introduced.

She said several tax exemptions were also extended like the excise duty exemption on national cars for the disabled which was extended to those with impaired hearing and speech.

On the special budget line, she said response from the public was encouraging with 20 calls received per hour on average.

News on Budget 2011 with Full Text of Speech, Attachments and Finance Bill

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Friday tabled a RM212-billion budget for 2011 centred on four key strategies designed to transform Malaysia into a developed and high-income nation by 2020.

Tabling Budget 2011 in the Dewan Rakyat, he said the budget would emphasise efforts to "transform the national into a developed and high-income economy with inclusive and sustainable development, spearheaded by the private sector as well as focus on the well-being of the people".

Najib, who is also the finance minister, described the budget as laying the foundation for Malaysia to become an advanced nation and as a precursor "in our final efforts" towards achieving Vision 2020, which he said was nine years, two months and 17 days away.

The budget, which carries the theme "Transformation Towards a Developed and High-Income Nation", centres on four key strategies, which are Reinvigorating Private Investment; Intensifying Human Capital Development; Enhancing Quality of Life of the People; and Strengthening Public Service Delivery.

The prime minister said that to enhance private sector involvement in economic activities, the government would further intensify the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) initiative and implement in 2011 several PPP projects identified under the 10th Malaysia Plan through private investment of RM12.5 billion. The government would allocate RM1 billion from the Facilitation Fund.

Among the PPP projects are the Ampang-Cheras-Pandan Elevated Highway, Guthrie-Damansara Expressway, Damansara-Petaling Jaya Highway, West Coast-Banting-Taiping Highway, Sungai Dua-Juru Highway and Paroi-Senawang-KLIA Highway;

A 300-megawatt Combined-Cycle Gas Power Plant in Kimanis, Sabah, to increase electricity generation capacity to meet rising demand; and

The International Islamic University Malaysia Teaching Hospital in Kuantan, the Women and Children's Hospital as well as the Integrated Health Research Institute Complex in Kuala Lumpur;

The Academic Medical Centre, a joint venture between Academic Medical Centre Sdn Bhd and Johns Hopkins Medicine International as well as Royal College of Surgeons Ireland which involves private investment of RM2 billion.

Najib also said that the government would encourage the private sector to resume an active role in the economy through several high-impact strategic projects.

These projects included the Kuala Lumpur International Financial District (KLIFD) valued at RM26 billion, which would be implemented from 2011 by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) in collaboration with Mubadala Development Company, an investment arm of the Government of Abu Dhabi.

Also, under the High-Impact Strategic Development, Najib announced the development of another landmark in Kuala Lumpur, a 100-storey tower to be named Wisma Merdeka.

The integrated development project costing RM5 billion will retain the Merdeka and Negara stadiums as national heritage. The tower will be completed by 2015 and the whole project by 2020.

Najib also said that the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Greater Kuala Lumpur (Klang Valley), with an estimated private investment of RM40 billion, would be implemented from beginning 2011 and was expected to be completed by 2020.

Also to be implemented beginning next year is the development of the Malaysian Rubber Board land in Sungai Buloh covering an area of 2,680 acres by the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). It would be a mixed development comprising affordable houses as well as commercial, industrial and infrastructure facilities.

The entire development is estimated at RM10 billion and is expected to be completed by 2025.

Budget 2011, which allocated RM162.8 billion for operating expenditure and RM49.2 billion for development expenditure, also outlines strategies and incentives to revitalise the capital market, including the Islamic capital market, and intensify the venture capital industry.

As part of the effort to reinvigorate private investment, Najib also said that the Bumiputera Property Trust Foundation (BPTF) would provide opportunities for bumiputera ownership of prime commercial properties in major towns.

"The BPTF will establish a fund to enable ownership of prime commercial properties in the Klang Valley, through a group ownership scheme," he said.

For this, he said, the BPTF would launch a syariah-compliant Bumiputera Property Trust Scheme this year with a size of RM1 billion.

The government would also launch a Private Pension Fund next year to revitalise capital market activities.

"This fund will benefit private sector employees and the self-employed," Najib said, adding that the existing income tax relief of up to RM6,000 for employees' contributions to the EPF would be extended to the contributions made to the pension fund, including the self-employed.

Under the strategy of intensifying human capital development, the prime minister said the government would establish Talent Corporation under the Prime Minister's Office early next year. Talent Corporation will formulate a National Talent Blueprint and develop an expert workforce database as well as collaborate closely with talent networks globally.

Najib also said that the government would expand access to quality education, and the national education system would be revamped to focus on thinking skills, character building, creativity, innovation and competitiveness.

"For the Ministry of Education, a sum of RM6.4 billion is allocated for development expenditure to build and upgrade schools, hostels, facilities and equipment, as well as to uphold the status of the teaching profession," he said.

The government would strengthen early education, primary and secondary education and higher education and intensify training and skills programmes.

Najib also announced the 1Malaysia Training Programme which would begin in January next year with an allocation of RM500 million.

Of the sum, RM200 million is allocated to conduct part-time training in the evenings and weekends at selected training centres nationwide. It will be conducted by community colleges, national youth training institutes, Giat Mara centres and industrial training institutes.

Najib also said that the government was committed to expediting the transformation process through implementation of the projects and programmes under the 10th Malaysia Plan, the National Key Results Areas (NKRAs) and the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs).

He said the transformation process was holistic, encompassing economic, social and political aspects.

"The 2011 Budget is formulated with firm determination to bring significant changes to the nation's development and well-being of the people," he said, adding that the budget had taken into account the needs of all the people of Malaysia.

"This budget is possible due to the efficient and prudent financial management thus far," he said.

Najib said the government upheld the concept of 1Malaysia as the fundamental philosophy in driving the nation's development path. "The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) will be a guiding force in this journey," he added.

"The six NKRAs and the New Economic Model with its eight Strategic Reform Initiatives will be the framework for the nation's economic transformation," he said, adding that the implementation of the development programmes would be realised through the 10th and 11th Malaysia plans.

Under the strategy to intensify human capital development, Najib announced the establishment of a National Wage Consultation Council as the main platform for wage determination to raise productivity.

The council will comprise representatives from employers, trade unions, non-unionised employees, government agencies, academia, NGOs and individuals. Its secretariat will be at the Human Resources Ministry.

Najib said the National Wage Consultation Council would determine the rate and mechanism of minimum wage.

Other measures to intensify human capital development include expanding women's participation in entrepreneurship and intensifying training and skills programmes.

Under the third strategy of enhancing the quality of life of the people, the government will, among other things, allocate RM1.2 billion to the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to carry out various welfare and community programmes.

The government would also increase house ownership and enhance the quality of life of the rural people, said Najib.

A sum of RM6.9 billion is allocated for the implementation of basic infrastructure such as water supply, electricity, and rural roads.

Of the amount, RM2.1 billion is for the construction and upgrading of rural roads in Sabah and Sarawak, and RM696 in the peninsula.

Meanwhile, RM1.5 billion is allocated to provide rural water and electricity supply in Sabah, RM1.2 billion for Sarawak and RM556 million for the peninsula.

Najib said the government would also implement housing aid programmes for the poor and hardcore poor with an allocation of RM300 million.

This programme involved the construction and repair of 12,000 units of houses throughout the country especially in Sabah and Sarawak.

The government will also provide a Special Mobile Unit for the National Registration Department for the convenience of the people in remote areas in Sabah, Sarawak and peninsular Malaysia to register their citizenship.

Najib said the government would continue to simplify private sector transactions with the government agencies to strengthen the public service delivery.

For this purpose, the MyCoID Gateway initiative which uses the sole reference provided by the Malaysian Companies Commission for transactions would be extended to other agencies and ministries.

Persons with Disabilities (Registration and Issuance of Kad OKU) Regulations 2010

The Regulations amongst others provide for the application for registration as a person with disability.

P.U. (A) 344 of 2010; 7 October 2010


  • Service tax will be increased from 5% to 6% and to cover pay television services – bad news for Astro, restaurants and the hospitality sector;

  • EPF and Permodalan Nasional Berhad will undertake RM10bn Sungai Buloh housing projects and RM5bn 100 storey tower respectively – good for property sector;

  • First time house buyers will obtain a 100% loan without having to pay the 10% down payment for houses below RM220k through “Skim Rumah Pertamaku” and given stamp duty exemption of 50% for houses not exceeding RM350k – good for property sector;

  • Full import duty and 50% excise duty exemption was granted to franchise holders of hybrid and motorcycles up to 2010 and full excise duty exemption up to 2011 – good for UMW and Honda but bad for local manufacturer, Proton;

  • Import duty of 300 goods preferred by tourists and locals, at 5% to 30% will be abolished – good for retailers and shopping mall operators;

  • Sales tax of 10% will be abolished for all mobile phones – good for all the telecommunication companies;

  • RM6.4bn to build and upgrade schools, RM213m allocated to high performance schools, increase pre-school enrolment rate to 72% through additional 1,700 classes, RM575m for scholarships, RM213m to strengthen language skills – good for education sector;
  • Government to introduce minimum wage rate and increase the levy for foreign workers – bad for businesses generally as cost will increase;
  • Toll rates in 4 highways operated by PLUS Expressway will not be raised for the next 5 years – bad for toll operators, setting precedent that no toll hikes for other operators;
  • Three new stock-broking licenses will be introduced for locals and foreigners – bad for stockbrokers as competition will intensify.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Many Traders Unclear on Malaysian Competition Act

ALOR SETAR, Oct 12 (Bernama) -- Many traders are still vague on the Competition Act 2010 which will be enforced on Jan 1, 2012 although it is aimed at creating a competitive business environment.

The Head of the Interim Competition Commission Unit, Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, Shila Dorai Raj, said although there was no objection from traders and members of the public on the enforcement of the act, many business associations were still concerned that the act would affect their operations.

She said that as such, the unit would intensify efforts to give briefings on the act throughout the country from time to time.

"We have conducted briefings in Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and Negeri Sembilan. Today, we are in Kedah and Penang. We were given 18 months (before January 2012) to introduce the act to the business community," she said when met after the Malaysian Competition Act 2010 Introductory Seminar attended by about 200 people, here Tuesday.

It will prevent monopolistic activities and abuse of one's dominant position.

She said the implementation of the act could attract more foreign investors into the country because the open competition gave them more confidence.

IRB hotline to open on Friday

KUALA LUMPUR: The Inland Re­­­­­venue Board will open its 2011 Budget Special Hotline Operations Centre on Friday from 7pm to 10pm.

“This will allow the public to obtain further information on any tax-related issues after the delivery of the budget speech by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak,” it said in a statement yesterday.

The public can call the following numbers for enquiries: 03-62015975/976/981 and 03-62016027/031/035/037/041. – Bernama

Employment Bill withdrawn

The Employment (Amend­ment) Bill 2010, which was listed for second reading in the Dewan Rakyat, has been withdrawn.

Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan withdrew the bill, which was first tabled on July 8.

When contacted yesterday, Human Re­­sources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said the bill was withdrawn to enable the ministry to initiate changes and add more amendments.

He added that the bill would be re-tabled during this Parliament sitting.

To a question, Dr Subramaniam denied that the bill’s withdrawal was related to a nationwide picket organised by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) in seven places yesterday.

PSM had called for a picket to reject the proposed amendments of the bill and described them as the worst amendments made to labour laws.

Among the proposed amendments to the Bill included a move to fine employers up to RM10,000 for turning a blind eye to sexual harassment, provide better protection to pregnant workers and penalise employers who terminate the services of women employees during their maternity leave.

The bill also stipulates that wages of domestic helpers would have to be paid directly into their bank accounts.

The proposed amendments were met with differing opinions by NGOs and employers.

The MTUC supported the amendments of sexual harassment as such cases were usually ignored when a high-ranking personnel was involved.

The Malaysian Employers Federation said the bill on sexual harassment gave the impression that employers did not care about the problem.

Meanwhile, M. Kulasegaran (DAP - Ipoh Barat) has called for a review of the Industrial Relations Act 1967.

He said present regulations gave sole power to the Human Resources Minister to decide whether to refer a case to the Industrial Relations Court.

“The minister is the prosecutor, judge and jury. We feel that is not right,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby.

Kulasegaran said aggrieved employees should be allowed to institute legal action against their employers freely, just as in civil suits.

Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid (PKR - Kuala Langat) and M. Manogaran (DAP - Teluk Intan) called for a review of Section 20 (3) of the Industrial Relations Act, which gave the minister discretion to refer cases to the court.

Employment Act (Amendment) Bill Withdrawn

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 (Bernama) -- The government pulled back the Employment Act (Amendment) Bill 2010 which was due for second reading at the Dewan Rakyat Tuesday.

The withdrawal was announced by Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan.

Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, when contacted, said the withdrawal was made to enable several changes to be made and provisions to be added.

He denied that the withdrawal was prompted by the proposed pickets by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) at seven locations to air its objection against several bills proposed by the ministry.

Subramaniam said the Employment Act (Amendment) Bill would be tabled again after the changes were made.

The bill, which was tabled for first reading on July 8, among others, covered sexual harassment, welfare and domestic help.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

MIA-CTIM Budget Hotline for Public

Source: MLTIC

The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) in collaboration with the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM) will hold the Budget Hotline 2011 which is open to the public on Saturday, 16 October 2010. The hotline will be operating from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon.

The hotline will be managed by a panel of tax consultants drawn from the major accounting firms. The main purpose of the above hotline is to provide a convenient channel for the public to seek advice from tax experts on the implication of any changes to the income tax law affecting individuals and businesses, investment incentives and other pertinent issues. The number to call is 03-2274 5055.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Single halal certificate beginning April

PUTRAJAYA: The single halal logo and certification will come into force by April next year, said Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said the draft of the amendments to the Trade Description Act 1972 that would allow for a single Malaysian halal logo and certification was finalised at a meeting between the ministry and the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) yesterday.

He said all the state religious departments had agreed to the amendments and the draft given the green light by the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

“The draft (Bill) will be tabled in Parliament later this month and we expect to have it gazetted and enforced by April next year,” he said at a joint press conference with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom here yesterday.

One of the amendments is to standardise the issuance of the halal logo and certification in all states.

Jamil Khir said once the new logo and certification came into force, manufacturers and companies could no longer get their halal certification from private companies.

Fears have been raised in the past on the risk that certification from private agencies did not strictly adhere to standards or requirements and that enforcement and monitoring might also be lacking.

Jakim Halal Hub Division director Saimah Mukhtar said all applications for certification would be processed within a month.

She said this was made possible because the state religious departments would be empowered to conduct the necessary checks and issue the approvals on its behalf.

“This includes products for export, which previously had to be certified direct by Jakim,” she added.

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We are thrilled to announce that CCS Group has launched a new website at Some of the great new features of this newly designe...