Friday, 22 April 2011

Procedure for Receipt and Processing of ITRFs in Information Processing Department of the IRB

The IRB has on 15 April 2011 announced the introduction of new procedures for the receipt of ITRFs. The following are some of the salient points:

1. Acknowledgement of receipt will be given at the counter for not more than 10 ITRFs submitted. For more than 10 ITRFs submitted, the acknowledgement of receipt will be given later and tax agents will be notified when they are ready for collection.

2. With effect from the year of assessment 2010, the following ITRFs will be considered as incomplete:

i) No signature on the declaration section, taxpayer signed in the space for tax agents, taxpayer used the signature chop;

ii) Information of the taxpayer is incomplete, eg. name, IC. No./Police No./Army No./ Passport No. and designation

iii) Taxpayers did not use the ITRFs prescribed under Section 152 of ITA, eg. photostated ITRFs, ITRFs in pdf format not printed in accordance with specifications, ITRFs in pdf format printed by IRB branches without their rubber stamp; and

iv) Taxpayers not using the relevant ITRFs for the particular year of assessment

3. With effect from year of assessment 2011, the following ITRFs will be considered as incomplete:

i) Wrong computation of income tax payable/refundable, wrong splitting of chargeable income taxable at 20% rate or inserting the chargeable income without supporting computations;

ii) Inserting an incomplete or wrong accounting period;

iii) Differences in the information in the ITRFs and the information contained in the IRB’s system, e.g. name, company registration no./IC no. [Taxpayers are advised to submit Form 13 (Change of Company Name) / Form 9 (Change of Registration No.) / copy of I.C / any other document supporting the difference in information];

iv) Financial information not furnished, e.g. sales, purchases, net profit or loss, business code.

4. For Lampiran CP8D of Form E (Employer’s Return), only employees whose salary exceeds RM2,500 are required to be listed. Employers with more than 20 employees each earning a salary of more than RM2,500 are required to submit the Lampiran CP8D in softcopy (CD Rom/diskette).

Members may view the document (Procedure for Receipt of Income Tax Return Form) at the Institute’s website at

Monday, 18 April 2011

FORMs B or BE for year 2010

Individuals who have not received their Income Tax Return Forms B or BE for the year 2010 by

15 March 2011 should contact the nearest LHDNM Branch Office for issuance of e-filing PIN for e-filing of these returns. They may also contact the Customer Service Centre of LHDNM at 1-300-88-3010 for assistance.

New taxpayers who are taxable but have not yet registered a tax file may register their tax files online at or visit the nearest LHDNM Branch Office. A new e-Filing PIN will be issued upon successful registration of the tax file.

Applications for e-filing PIN may be made by email to indicating the NRIC number, latest address, telephone number and attach a photocopy of MyKad (front and back).

The last day for application of PIN for Forms BE (applicable to individuals without a business source of income) via email is 20 April 2011. Applications for PIN using a third party’s e-mail address will not be entertained.

Members may view the announcements on the LHDNM’s website at

Friday, 1 April 2011

New Public Rulings issued on 10 March 2011

Public Ruling 03/2011 --- Investment Holding Company

Public Ruling 04/2011 --- Income from Letting of Real Property

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has issued the above Public Rulings on 10 March 2011. Public Ruling 03/2011 is effective from the year of assessment 2006 whilst Public Ruling 04/2011 is effective from the year of assessment 2011. Members are encouraged to review the Public Rulings and forward comments, if any, to the Institute as soon as possible for submission to the IRB. Members may view the Public Rulings at the Institute’s website at:

CCS Group's Official Website

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