Friday, 29 March 2013

New Publications

The Institute is pleased to inform that the following publications are now available in the Resource Centre (for reference only). Members are encouraged to use the facilities available.
Reference Books
Arthur / Editor
OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (condensed version -  2010)  and
Key Tax Features of Member Countries (2011)
Luis Nouel
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (2010 Edition)
and Transfer Pricing Features of Selected Countries ( 2011)
Kamesh Susarla (IBFD) and 
Antoine Glaize (Taxand)
Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
A Guide to Malaysian Taxation. Second Edition
Jeyapalan Kasipillai
McGraw-Hill Education
A Guide to Advanced Malaysian Taxation. Second Edition
Jeyapalan Kasipillai
McGraw-Hill Education
Manual of Capital Allowances and Charges
Richard Thornton and Thenesh Kannaa

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Important Information from IRB - Taxpayers Are Permitted To Use The PDF Forms To File Tax Returns For Year Of Assessment 2012

The Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia would like to draw its members’ attention to the important information released by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB). Taxpayers are now permitted to use the PDF format of Income Tax Return Forms E, BE, B, BT, M, MT, P, TP, TJ and TF (with the exception of Forms C and R) to file their returns for year of assessment 2012. However, all users of the PDF forms must comply with the printing requirement specified by the IRB. Tax agents are encouraged to use e-filing wherever possible.

For further details, members may view the Important Information at the IRB website or call the IRB Customer Service Centre at 1-800-88-5436.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

IRB Announcement – Concession On Issuance Of Form CP58

We are pleased to inform that the Institute initiated a meeting on 21 March 2013 between the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and some trade associations and corporate bodies, on issues relating to the issuance of CP58.

Following from the meeting, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) made an announcement on 22 March 2012 granting a concession on the issuance of Form CP58. The IRB has agreed to extend the concession for payer companies not to issue Form CP58 for the calendar year 2012 provided that they had issued an annual statement to their agents, dealers and distributors.

Members may view the complete announcement at the IRB website.

Public Ruling No.2/2013 – Perquisites From Employment; and Public Ruling No.3/2013 – Benefits In Kind.

Please be informed that the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) issued Public Ruling No.2/2013 on 28 February 2013 and Public Ruling No.3/2013 on 15 March 2013.-

This Ruling has been published to merge Public Ruling No.1/2006 issued on 17 January 2006 with –

(a) Addendum to Public Ruling No.1/2006 dated 30 August 2007;

(b) Second Addendum to Public Ruling No. 1/2006 dated 25 February 2009; and

(c) Third Addendum to Public Ruling No.1/2006 dated 30 July 2009.

This Ruling has been published to merge Public Ruling No.2/2004 issued on 8 November 2004 with –

(a) Addendum to Public Ruling No.1/2004 dated 20 May 2005;

(b) Second Addendum to Public Ruling No. 2/2004 dated 17 January 2006;

(c) Third Addendum to Public Ruling No.1/2004 dated 17 April 2009; and

(d) Fourth Addendum to Public Ruling No.2/2004 dated 19 April 2010.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Legislation Updates on Establishment of Labuan

Please note that the various administration fees/charges for entities in Labuan have been revised with effect from 1 April 2013. The following are the relevant subsidiary legislation that gives effect to the changes:

P.U. (A)
Effective From
1 April 2013
1 April 2013
1 April 2013
1 April 2013
1 April 2013
1 April 2013

Members may view the gazette Orders at the official website of the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC).

IRB Media Release – Deadline for Submission of Form E

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has issued a media release reminding all employers that the deadline for submission of Form E is 31 March 2013. It warns employers that failure to submit the Form E is an offence and is liable to a fine (RM200.00 - RM2,000.00) or to imprisonment (< 6 months) or both under Paragraph 120(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1967.

For those who e-file, a grace period of 30 days is granted (i.e. the deadline is extended to 30 April 2013).

Members may view the media release at the IRB’s website.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


The following statutory orders have been issued to give effect to the 2013 Budget proposal: to provide tax incentives in support of efforts to revive abandoned housing projects.
Date Gazetted
Effective date/Application
12 March 2013
From Year of assessment (YA) 2013
12 March 2013
From YA 2013
Applies to a loan approved on or after 1 January 2013 but not later than 31 December 2015.
Applies to interest expense incurred for a period of 3 consecutive years from the YA in which the loan is approved.
14 March 2013
Apply to instruments executed by an original purchaser/rescuing contractor or developer on or after 1 January 2013 but not later than 31 December 2015.
14 March 2013
Term commonly defined
The term “bank or/and financial institution” under P.U.(A) 89, 91 and 92 is defined to mean:
(a)     a bank or finance company licensed or deemed to be licensed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989;
(b)     a bank licensed under the Islamic Banking Act 1983;
(c)     a development financial institution prescribed under the Development Financial Institutions Act 2002;
(d)     an insurance business licensed under the Insurance Act 1996;
(e)     a takaful operator licensed under the Takaful Act 1984;
·         In this order, “qualifying person” (QP) means a person resident in Malaysia who is also one of the institutions listed under (a) to (e) in the paragraph above.
·         The Minister exempts a QP from payment of income tax on statutory income (SI) derived from interest which is related to the business of giving loan to the rescuing contractor or developer for a period of three consecutive YA, commencing from the first YA in which the interest income is accrued to that QP. 
·         “Rescuing contractor or developer” means a contractor or developer who is appointed or approved by the Minister of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) to carry on rehabilitation works for the abandoned project.
·         “Abandoned project” means a project which is certified by the MHLG as abandoned project pursuant to paragraph 11(1)(ca) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966.
·         The SI is determined after deducting allowances under Schedule 3 of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA) notwithstanding that no claim was made for such allowances. The amount exempted is SI further reduced by first the current year losses from other businesses and next any unabsorbed adjusted loss and the current year adjusted loss from the business of giving loan to the rescuing contractor or developer.
For full details please refer to the Order by clicking here.
·         In this Order, QP means a rescuing contractor or developer who is appointed or approved by the Minister of Housing and Local Government or liquidator to carry on rehabilitation works for an abandoned project. “Liquidator” and “abandoned project” are defined in the Order.
·         Under this Order, a deduction is allowed in ascertaining adjusted income from a business of a QP for the basis period for a YA in respect of expenses specified under Rule 4(2)(a) and (b), which are incurred by the QP during that basis period, primarily or principally for the purpose of the abandoned project. The specified expenses are:
(a) expenses incurred in the course of acquiring loan for the purpose of the abandoned project;
(b)  expenses in respect of interest incurred on the loan.
“Loan” means a loan granted by a bank or a financial institution to finance an abandoned project. The definition of “bank or financial institution” is given above in the paragraph headed “Term commonly defined”.
·         The amount of deduction allowed is twice the amount of expenses allowed under Rule 4(2)(a) while interest allowed under Rule 4(2)(b) is in addition to deduction allowed under section 33 of the ITA. Such deductions are to be claimed in the basis period for a YA in which the abandoned project is completed.
·         The Rules also provide that the following are to be claimed in the basis period for the YA in which the abandoned project is completed:
-       Development expenditure for the abandoned project (Rule 4(6));
-       The portion of general and administrative expenses attributable to the abandoned project (Rule 4(7));
-       Capital allowance under schedule 3 of the ITA on assets used for the purpose of the abandoned project (Rule 4(9));
For full details please refer to the Order by clicking here.
Stamp duty exemptions granted under the above Orders are summarized in the following table:

(No. 5) Order
(No. 6) Order
Instruments executed by an original purchaser, that is a purchaser whose name is stated in the Sale and Purchase Agreement in relation to an abandoned project, or his beneficiary are granted exemption from stamp duty.
Instruments executed by a rescuing contractor or a developer, that is a contractor or a developer who is appointed or approved by the Minister of Housing and Local Government to carry on rehabilitation works for an abandoned projected are exempted from stamp duty.
(a) any loan instrument or loan agreement approved by the bank and financial institution for the purpose of financing the revived residential property in relation to the abandoned project; and
(b)  any instrument of transfer for the purpose of transferring the revived residential property in relation to the abandoned project
(a) any loan instrument or loan agreement approved by the bank and financial institution to finance the abandoned project; and
(b)  any instrument of transfer for the purpose of transferring the revived residential property in relation to the abandoned project
Common definitions
“bank and financial institution” – see paragraph headed “Term commonly defined” (above).
“abandoned project” – means any project certified by the Minister of Housing and Local Government as an abandoned project pursuant to paragraph 11(ca) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966
The meaning of “revived residential property” is also specified in each Order.

You may write to the Institute at or in respect of any concern or comments you may have on the Guidelines.

CCS Group's Official Website

We are thrilled to announce that CCS Group has launched a new website at Some of the great new features of this newly designe...