Tuesday, 10 January 2012

IRB Media Release IRB is Not Involved in the Payment of the RM500 Cash Assistance [BR1M]

Further to our e-CTIM No.10/2012, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has issued a media release on 19 January 2012 to inform the public that the IRB does not dispense the “cash assistance” under the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia [BR1M] Programme.

The IRB has provided the following clarification:

i)              It has been designated with the responsibility of assisting in the implementation of the BR1M   programme, in terms of the acceptance and registration of all BR1M application forms.

ii)                     The payment mechanism is the responsibility of other parties, as follows:-

a)      for the states of Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Kedah and Kelantan, the payment mechanism will be managed by the respective Directors of Federal Development Department [Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan] (JPP); and

b)    for all other states, it is handled by the respective State Government Secretaries [Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri] (SUK).

iii)           The SUK and JPP will issue a letter of notification of the status, in respect of each BR1M application (including the unsuccessful applications).

iv)           For applicants who qualify for the assistance, the arrangement for the delivery of the cash vouchers will be made by the offices of the relevant Parliamentary Constituencies or State Assemblymen, as stated in the notification letter.

In view of the above, the public is advised not to go to the IRB Branch offices for BRIM purposes.

However, other than calling the MOF hotline 1-800-222-500, the public may still call the IRB Customer Service Centre at 1-300-88-3010 to check up on the status of their BR1M applications.

In addition to the above, MOF has also issued the Frequently Asked Questions on BR1M. You may view the information provided at the website of the Institute. 

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