Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Direct Taxation

The above Exemption Order is dated 17 December 2012, and is effective from the year of assessment 2013 until the year of assessment 2015.

This Order grants exemption to a company resident in Malaysia which is licensed under the Tourism Industry Act 1992 to carry on a tour operating business, from the payment of income tax in respect of the statutory income derived from group inclusive tours.

Group inclusive tour means a tour package to or of Malaysia or any place within Malaysia undertaken by tourists from outside Malaysia, inclusive of transportation by air, land or sea and accommodation.

The exemption is only available if the total number of tourists from outside Malaysia in group inclusive tours is not less than seven hundred and fifty in the basis period for a year of assessment as certified by the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia.

Members may read the full text of the Order at the Official Portal of e-Federal Gazette.

II) In this context, members may refer to e-CTIM No. 186 of 2012 dated 24 December 2012, which provided information on Income Tax (Exemption) (No.11) Order 2012 [P.U.(A) 451/2012] on domestic tour packages.

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